The Lightning Tree


The Lightning Tree, the third and final installment of the Bye For Now Trilogy, follows Callie moving through her arduous life. She finds balancing work, family and friendship difficult, but one careless move at work changes her life forever. Nothing could have prepared her for this monumental challenge. Now that she’s found a way to put all the pieces of her life together, this new twist doesn’t seem fair.

Meanwhile, Maddie has struggled in her own life. She’s survived addiction, an abusive relationship, but can she survive watching her best friend go through this insurmountable struggle?

Family and friends alike try to find hope in the darkness. Callie finds peace by entering a magical maze. A place to quiet her mind and be present. A place to wash away the worry, but will it be enough? Will Callie find the healing she needs at the lightning tree?

Follow Callie’s story from the beginning

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