Marilyn is a precocious child, unique in the sense that she is on the receiving end of unusual and meaningful experiences that few around her understand. Marilyn’s doting father understands Marilyn. In fact, he’s had similar unexplainable experiences and remains her protector and number one fan. Marilyn’s secret is safe with him. Not everyone in her family feels this way. In discovering Marilyn’s first encounter, her mother wreaks havoc in young Marilyn’s life, turning it upside down. Doris is satisfied that she has the situation under control, but in reality, there is no controlling her youngest daughter. Marilyn shares her deepest, darkest secrets with Shirley, her abrupt, brash, outspoken and attention-seeking sister. She’s watched Marilyn manage many secrets, but this latest one…this one is enough to divide the family and affect all those Marilyn holds dear. The funny thing about secrets is they never remain private for long. When secrets begin to reveal themselves, with heartbreak and betrayal seemingly unending, the gravity of all situations takes a heavy toll on Marilyn’s spirit. She is broken over and over again, and in this process, with each crack in her foundation, she finds that she is more resilient than she originally thought.

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