

1701, 2019

Paper Babies

By |January 17th, 2019|Categories: Blog, Press|0 Comments

Excited. very enthusiastic and eager. "they were excited about the prospect" synonyms: thrilled, exhilarated, elevated, animated, enlivened, ...more antonyms: indifferent, depressedsexually aroused. synonyms: aroused, sexually aroused, stimulated, titillated, inflamed, ... more antonyms: turned off2. of or [...]

1512, 2015

Bye For Now: Gripping, Intense Romance Novel Proves Love’s Timeless Bonds; as Tragedy & the Past Collide.

By |December 15th, 2015|Categories: Books, Press|0 Comments

Masterfully crafted by Cindy Lynch, ‘Bye For Now: Gramp's Camp’ spans from the protagonist’s past to her ever-tumultuous present, as a harrowing tragedy playing out in a town close to her heart brings memories of [...]

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